
We'll meet on Tuesday evening at an informal "Meet and greet" at 19.30 in the Skybar at the Arena Hotel.

The Book of abstracts can be downloaded here


May 15th
08.00-09.00 Registration

Room A
Opening ceremony

Music by Vågspel

Hanna Tuvesson
President - Swedish Association of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurses
Nina Kilkku
President - European Psychiatric Nurses (HORATIO)
Maria Wharton Stjärnskog
2nd Vice President, the Region Skåne Committee on Psychiatry, Habilitation and Technical Aidss
Kerstin Evelius
Manager for Mission mental health, Sweden’s municipalities and regions

10.00-10.45 Keynote 1
Room A
Moderator: Katrine Nygaard Balzis


Jenny Wetterling
Specialist student with personal experience perspective and advocacy spokesperson for RSMH.

Read more here

Poster viewing & Coffee break | Room B
11.20-12.20 Concurrent sessions 1
  Room A
Hanna Tuvesson

Room C
Ulrika Westerdahl/Göran Nilsson

Room D
Jenny Molin

Room E
Gisli Kort Kristofersson


Developing a model for high quality service design for children and young people with common mental health problems
Steven Pryjmachuk

Healthcare Professionals' Experiences of Recovery-Oriented Collaboration Between Mental Health Centres and Municipalities: A Qualitative Study
Kim Jørgensen

Persons with anorexia nervosa in the context of general psychiatric inpatient care - a qualitative study
Anna Sandsten

The lived experiences of older people with severe mental illness regarding support in municipal housing or home care services
Ulrica Hörberg


Educating towards high performance nurse practitioners in Mental Health with high standard portfolio
Riet van Dommelen, Marlot van Schaik and Annelijn de Paauw  

Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of Safewards in forensic psychiatry: Nursing staff experiences
Jenny Karlsson

Nurses’ Experiences of Supporting Self Care in Psychiatric and Mental Healthcare
Lena Wiklund Gustin

Implementation of a nurse-led addiction clinic
Bruce Vrancken

We need to talk about de-escalation: barriers and enablers perceived by nurses
Andreas Seierstad

It’s a fine line: Professional boundaries in psychiatric nursing practice
Nadine Smith

Psychiatric nurses' perception about their work experience: implications for counselling
Mark Vassallo

An Overview of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurses working in Europe
Nina Kilkku

Family Perceived Support Questionnaire (ICE - FPSQ) in psychiatric mental health nursing
Eydis Kristin Sveinbjarnardottir

LUNCH | Restaurant Cloud
13.30-14.30 Concurrent sessions 2
  Room A
Aisling Culhane
Room C
Göran Nilsson/Ulrika Westerdahl

Room D
Hanna Tuvesson

Room E
Tomas Petr


Contextual factors and relationship characteristics prior to Intimate Partner Homicide: a qualitative case file study from Sweden
Karin Örmon

Health care utilization, mental disorders and behavioural disorders among perpetrators of intimate partner homicide in 2000-2016: a registry-based case-control study from Sweden
Solveig Lövestad

Protecting the Future of Mental Health Nursing in Ireland:  An Exploration of the Transition Experiences, Career Intentions and Retention of Graduate Mental Health Nurses: A Mixed Methods Study
Fionnuala Killoury

Mental health and wellbeing of sexual and gender minority youth: findings from a cross-sectional national online survey
Agnes Higgins


How data from patient monitoring technology is supporting staff to increase quality, safety and efficiency
Martin Lehman

Mental health of adolescents: A challenge for nursing education – The YouCoMent Project
Katja Weidling

Courageous Minds, Collaborative Care: The Challenges and Impact of Novel Mental Healthcare Professions in France
Nancy De Jesus

Master’s degree in mental health nursing, substance use and addiction – New in Norway
Espen Gade Rolland

Beyond Containment: Navigating Tensions and Innovations in Psychiatric Intensive Care Units
Martin Salzmann-Erikson

The core elements of psychiatric and mental health nursing -Time, Honest engagement, Therapeutic relations, Professional nursing and -Lifetime-perspective
Charlotta Sunnqvist

Oyster care, an alternative approach to mental health care for people with severe and persistent mental illness
Jürgen Magerman

Design for Health and Well-being – Design research For Interior Design in Compulsory Care
Franz James

Under a Watchful Eye: The Lived Experiences of clients under close observation during in-patient care
Philip Attard, Alexei Sammut

14.35-15.20 Keynote 2
Room A
Moderator: Nina Kilkku

Joy Duxbury
Professor of Mental Health and Director of Research for the Institute of Health at the University of Cumbria, UK

Read more here

Poster viewing & coffee break | Room B
15.40-16.40 Concurrent sessions 3
  Room A
Alexei Sammut
Room C
Susanna Flansburg
Room D
Birgit Andersen
Room E
Katrine Nygaard Baltzis

Inpatient Suicides in Swedish Psychiatric Settings – A retrospective exploratory study from a nursing perspective
My Lindberg

Implementation of an evidence-based family intervention at Landspitali's DBT-team
Ragnheiður Bjarman

Implementing peer support work in community mental health nursing teams
Anna Hegedüs, Sabine Rühle Andersson

Compassion and mental health nursing: conclusions from a discourse analysis
Mike Ramsay

ICN Guidelines on mental health nursing
Espen Gade Rolland

Success isn’t always accomplished alone:
Undergraduate psychiatric nursing students’ experiences in a peer mentorship program
Nadine Smith

Simulation-based education with standardized patients in Advanced Practice Mental Health Nursing Program
Kristín Linda H Hjartardóttir

Outcomes in a new clinically oriented advanced practice mental health nursing (APMHN) program in Iceland
Gisli Kristofersson


Mental Health services and treatment without or minimal medication
Lise Sæstad Beyene, Christian Burr and Andrea Kunfermann

Self-Reported Experience of Abuse During the Life Course Among Men Seeking General Psychiatric or Addiction Care
Lotta Sjögran

Threats and Interventions on Wellbeing in Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands: A Scoping Review
Ferdy Pluck

Using time geographic lifecharts to illustrate and understand the life course among patients within Opioid maintenance treatment
Emma Mårdhed

Increased autonomy with capacity mental health legislation
Nina Camilla Wergeland


HORATIO general assembly | Room E
Conference dinner  | Restaurant Cloud




May 16th
08.00-09.15 Registration
08.15-09.15 HORATIO general assembly (to be confirmed)
09.15-09.55 Keynote 3
Room A
Moderator: Hanna Tuvesson


Klas Bergling
Funder of Tim Bergling foundation and father of Tim Bergling “Avicii”

Read more here

10.00-11.00 Concurrent sessions 4
  Room A
Hanna Tuvesson

Room C
Birgit Andersen

Room D
Tomas Petr

Room E
Susanna Flansburg


Phenomenological Empathy and the Professional Role in Recovery-Oriented Practice: Interpersonal Understanding, Shared Decision Making, Closeness and Distance in the Working Relationship
John Stigmar

Being human under inhuman conditions: meanings of living with severe dissociative states involving the experience of being in parts
Anja Söderberg

Towards a person-centered care for persons with long-term stress-related disorders
Markus Sjösten

A Co-production Approach for Mental Health in Malta
Alexei Sammut

Implementation of VR- therapy for social anxiety and psychosis- A quality study of clinicians’ experiences
Heena Yasmin

Digital solutions and self-harm: "SAFE app – Engagement Training" - lessons learned from a co-operative inquiry
Lise Bachmann Østergaard, Ingrid Charlotte Andersen and Lene Lauge Berring  

Evaluation of Soteria Treatment Using a Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Design – Feasibility Study
Sabine Rühle Andersson

Treating Trauma; Providing Proactive Liaison Psychiatry to a Major Trauma Centre
Aine Richards

Mental Health Nurses experiences of facilitating oral health in people with severe mental illness. A qualitative descriptive study
Vivien Umama-Agada

Getting older with(out) late-life depression: A nursing perspective
Rose Collard

Nurse assistants’ experiences of encountering patients in grief due to the death of a loved one
Anne-Lie Larsson

Family and carer involvement in mental health care in Belgium: bringing creativity to nursing practice using guidelines and policy
Hanne Vandewiele, Emily Walgrave, Liesbeth Dockx, Julie Vandekerckhove and Lindsay Van Belle

The experiences of nurses working on children’s wards in acute general hospitals who provide care for children who have engaged in self-harm
Maria Mulqueen

Children exposed to parental suicidal behaviour
Geir Tarje Bruaset

Mental health crisis care for children and young people (CYP)
Nicola Evans

Patient controlled admissions in an adolescent psychiatric setting
Sanne Lemcke

11.05-11.30 Poster viewing & Coffee break | Room B
11.30-12.30 Concurrent sessions 5
  Room A
Katrine Nygaard Baltzis
Room C
Alexei Sammut
Room D
Aisling Culhane

Room E
Jenny Molin


Can knowledgebased support strenghten personcentered mental health care and social services?
Louise Kimby

Anxiety Communication Notes—A Tool to Facilitate Anxiety Management and Improve the Nurse–Patient Relationship in Mental Health Nursing
Linda Zetterström

The Effect of Tidal Model-Based Emotion Regulation Nursing Interventions on Recovery in Individuals Diagnosed With Nursing Diagnosis of Impaired Mood Regulation
Gülsenay Taş Soylu

Pilot project Decider Life Skills to promote resilience among students and apprentices in clinical mental health education
Sven Andersson

Adjustments in Interprofessional Communication: A Focus Group Study in Psychiatric Outpatient Units
Ingela Rudberg

Interprofessional collaboration between nurses and psychiatrists in hospital care for patients with deliberate self-harm
Elina Löfström

What patients wish to prevent coercive measures - results from a content analysis of joint crisis plans
Jacqueline Rixe

Health professionals’ perceptions of user involvement in a mental health centre: A critical discourse analysis
Kim Jørgensen

Health care users’ and professionals’ perspectives and experiences in fertility treatment in Switzerland (Project HoPE)
Madeleine Bernet

Men placed on waiting lists for psychiatric admission from Irish Prisons over five years: Clinical outcomes during a forensic “bed crisis”
Philip Hickey

Suicide and psychosis - Findings from a Norwegian National Registry Study
Martin Johannessen

Covid-19 and the Impact on Referrals to Psychiatry in those 65 years and Older - A follow-up since publication
Michelle O'Donohoe

Joint activities in psychiatric inpatient care - a process of exploration
Andreas Glantz

23 years of working with voices: where are we in terms of implementation in services?
Trevor Eyles

Psychiatric care needs opportunities for reflectiom
Birgit Hahn

A Brave New Era: The Emergence of Advanced Practice Nurses and Peer Helpers in French Mental Healthcare
Nancy De Jesus

12.30-13.30 LUNCH | Restaurant Cloud
13.30-14.30 Concurrent sessions 6
  Room A
Gisli Kort Kristofersson

Room C
Göran Nilsson/Ulrika Westerdahl

Room D
Jenny Molin

Room E
Nina Kilkku


Implementation of the German S3 Guideline “Prevention of Coercion”
Michael Mayer

A systematic review of interventions to reduce mechanical restraint in adult mental health inpatient settings
Martin Locht Pedersen

Are there ethnic disparities in the use of rapid tranquillisation in adult mental health settings? A systematic review of the research literature
Martin Locht Pedersen

Forensic psychiatric patients' experience of partaking in oral hearings in administrative court regarding continuation of their care.
Andreas Söderberg



How to relate to informal coercion in the daily nursing practice: a research-based training program
Bart Debyser, Annelies Verkest, Jana Verguchten

‘Preserving Control’: Service Users’ experiences of being involuntarily admitted under the Mental Health Act 2001 in the Republic of Ireland
David McGuinness

Factors Influencing Patient Participation in Inpatient Forensic Psychiatric Care: A Systematic Review
Valentina Vidaurrazaga Aras

Key aspects promoting a recovery-oriented approach in caring for people with mental ill-health within general emergency departments: A modified Delphi study
Katharina Derblom

Mental health and gender within rehabilitation. An intersectional and user-centred approach
Sólrún Óladóttir

13:30-14:15 Workshop:

The future of mental health care: User participation and action research in mental health settings
Lisbeth Hybholt, Anette Juul Kynde, and Lene Lauge Berring

14.35-15.20 Keynote 4
Room A
Moderator: Aisling Culhane


Lene Lauge Berring
University of Southern Denmark

Read more here

15.20-16.00 Closing ceremony | Room A
16.00 Take away fika